Causes of Facial Blushing

Facial Blushing is a common skin problem and people rarely consider it a medical condition. The truth is blushing can be scientifically explained, and you can now understand why people get the red cheeks. Facial blushing is caused by increased blood flow to the skin and especially to the face.

This condition can be triggered by several factors that can lead to flashes making the cheeks turn red. The most common causes of facial blushing are emotional although there are other causes of facial blushing that have been discovered. The good news is that the problem can be treated, and you go back to a normal life.

What causes blushing?

Emotional causes

Emotional changes and disturbances are the main csmileauses of facial blushing. Their common emotions that are likely to cause facial blushing include embarrassment as well as extreme stress. These strong emotions trigger the flow of blood and a lot of blood flows to the skin.

The flow of blood is usually in an attempt to try and fight these emotions of fear, stress and embarrassment. This is usually a way of the body trying to respond to emotions but in this case, it happens in an extreme manner.

Food and drink

There are certain foods that are likely to trigger facial blushing due to the effect that they have on the body. For instance taking hot and spicy food is known to cause facial blushing and increase the frequency of this happening.

This is because hot and spicy food has an effect on the flow of blood to the veins. Other foods that may make blushing worse include hot drinks and also excessive consumption of alcohol.

Exercise and changes in temperature

Extreme exercise and workout are likely to cause more facial blushing. During workout and exercise, blood flows to the face, and this causes increased blood flow to the skin causing more facial blushing.

Changes in the environment are also likely to cause facial blushing. This is especially on the day when the temperatures are too high. When temperatures become too high, facial blushing becomes worse.

Mood disorders

People who suffer from extreme mood disorders are likely to experience facial blushing compared with people who don’t. For instance, there are people who have social phobia, and this makes it difficult to interact with others.

When such people find themselves in a crowd, they are likely to panic, and this causes facial blushing. Another common cause of facial blushing is anxiety and people who suffer from anxiety disorders are likely to experience severe facial blushing when anxiety kicks-inn.…