DIY Skincare Hacks to Keep Your Sensitive Skin Nourished and Healthy

Being millennials, we may have often felt the burden of dealing with sensitive skin. Whether it’s an eczema flare-up or just a bout of dryness, taking care of our skin requires extra attention and nourishment. And plant-based cleaning products will make a great option for your condition.

While there are many expensive skincare products available on the market, there are also some simple things we can do at home to keep our skin looking and feeling its best. In fact, this is an era of DIY skincare hacks, so read on to find out how you can keep your sensitive skin nourished and healthy with some of the best DIY skincare hacks.

Get to Know More About Your Skin

sensitive skinWe can’t start the list without helping you reveal what’s on and beneath your skin’s surface. First off, note that there are types of skin – dry, oily, combination, and various other sensitive skin types. Knowing your skin type is the basis for understanding what’s going on in your face.

You can also check out some skincare websites to get personalized advice on the best cosmetic products and treatments for your particular skin type. If you want to spend more, you can visit your aesthetician and ask lots of questions about your skin condition.

Start With a Gentle Cleanser

As you know, cleansers play a vital role in your skincare routine. If you have sensitive skin, opt for a gentle and mild cleanser that won’t strip away the natural oils from your skin’s surface. Look for something with natural ingredients, such as honey, aloe vera, or oatmeal, to help soothe any irritation on your skin.

While you should avoid cleansers that contain harsh chemicals, fragrances, or dyes, make sure to read the ingredients list carefully before buying it.

Choose a Gentle Exfoliator, and Don’t Go Crazy About It

From time to time, our skin builds up with dirt, oil, bacteria, and other impurities. Exfoliating your skin is a great way to get rid of dead skin cells and refresh your complexion. But for sensitive skin, you should stay away from harsh exfoliants or scrubs as these may cause irritation or inflammation.

Instead, opt for an ultra-fine grain scrub with natural ingredients like honey, oats, or jojoba beads. Also, don’t scrub your skin too vigorously, and only exfoliate once or twice a week to avoid over-drying your skin.

Make and Use DIY Natural Face Masks

facemaskIf you want to give your skin some extra pampering, then you should try using a natural face mask. You can create your own DIY masks using ingredients like honey, yogurt, aloe vera, turmeric, coconut oil, and avocado.

Not only will these masks help to nourish and hydrate your skin, but they are also very affordable. And most of them can be used on all skin types, so you don’t have to worry about any irritation or inflammation.

Moisturize With Natural Oils

If you have sensitive skin, using natural oils is the best option to moisturize it. Coconut oil is one of the best oils for nourishing and hydrating dry, sensitive skin. It is packed with fatty acids that help to soften and soothe the skin while providing a protective barrier against environmental factors.

Other great options include avocado, jojoba, olive, and almond oil. These oils are all very hydrating and can help to keep your skin feeling soft and smooth throughout the day. In fact, some of them can also help to reduce inflammation, redness, and irritation.

No matter what your skin type is, sun protection is a must. Everyone should wear sunscreen every day to protect their skin from harmful UV rays and premature aging. Look for a physical SPF that doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or fragrances. And that’s it. Your skin will look and feel its best at any time.…

Makeup Shades For Different Skin Tone

When thinking of having that gorgeous, stunning, glam look, there are a few things that one needs to consider. Not every makeup is suited for your skin type and tone. Knowing your skin tone will assist you when looking to purchase your makeup and not buying products that will leave you having a nondesirable look.For more on makeup shades click order Skinstitut here. How does one go about knowing their skin tone and getting the right makeup shades?

Makeup Shades And Skin Tones

Determining Your Skin Tonehair

The process of understanding your skin tone begins by first discovering two things. First, you need to determine the surface color of your skin and secondly your undertones. Likewise, you need to know whether your skin is oily, dry or normal.

Skin Colour

One’s surface color is what one sees first when they look into a mirror. Surface color is all about how much pigmentation a person has on the skin. Surface color skin includes;
• Fair complexion, this are complexions that are very fair and burn easily when exposed to sunlight.
• Light complexion, this is skin that is light colored and has more beige or yellow undertones than the fair skin.
• Medium complexion, the skin is medium color with olive and almond undertones
Dark complexion, the skin is dark, deep complexion with mocha and chocolate undertones.

Sometimes one’s surface color can change depending on various factors. It could be in hot seasons the skin tans to a darker complexion than before while in cold seasons it lightness up. Other factors that can affect the skin surface are dullness or dryness of the environment. Makeup will help to hide or smoothen out this inconsistency on the skin. To determine your skin color examine your jawline, this area is less affected by skin color change when the rest of your face is.

Skin Undertone

Undertone is the subtle, muted color that is underneath the skin. The undertone is used to form the basis of one’s overall skin tone. Most beauty experts recommend using your undertones to determine which makeup to use especially foundation. There are three undertone categories:
• Warm – Skin is yellow, peach, and golden.
• Cool – Skin is red, pink, and blue.
• Neutral – Skin is a mix of the above.
There are various ways to determine your undertones. One of them is by knowing what jewelry you like wearing if you like gold then you have warm undertones. If you like silver, jewelry then you are a cool undertone. If both jewelry work on you, then you are neutral.

Makeup Color Palette

Color PaletteKnowing your skin color and undertone will help you decide on the makeup color palette that suits you well. To remember is that skin undertone should guide one in determining what makeup shades to use. Foundations to be used should match your skin color. Colour Palate for warm tones peach, peach pink, oranges, corals and orange red. Cool tones are rosy pink, blues, blue – green, violet/purples and deep – blue based reds. Neutral tones can the colors complement each other.…